Inspired Action Zone with Katrina Fox

Blog & podcast hosted by Katrina Fox. Inspiration, tips & advice on conscious living, loving & money-making. Business meets self-growth and social change.

Hi, I’m Katrina Fox.

Inspired Action Zone is my blog and podcast, which offers musings, helpful information, tips, inspiration and practical advice on conscious living, loving and money-making.

It’s a hub where I can bring together my 3 passions: self-growth, running a business and social change. A lot of marketers hammer home the need to find one very specific niche and focus only on that. But for me, these three things all have to be in play at once (I guess that’s the niche!).

This site and podcast is for women who want to run or are running their own businesses, want to make a lot of money and live a great lifestyle and who have a social conscience. It’s for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs who want to contribute to making a positive difference in the lives of others – not just by donating to good causes but to championing values of kindness, compassion and authenticity in their business operations and practices.

Having been a journalist for 15 years there were some writing and editing gigs I loved (I got paid to write about my passions) and other work that was soul-destroying (I got paid to write about stuff I was NOT passionate about). There were times when I wrote about what moved and touched me for no financial reward because I wanted to get what I considered important information out to the world. And when I did some huge personal growth work, I wanted to share my learnings with others as well as make an income from it. So all three are interconnected and my intuition nudged – and then when I didn’t listen – headbutted me into creating Inspired Action Zone! :)

The term ‘conscious’ business is a popular buzzword right now and it means different things to different people. For me, running a conscious business means serving in an extraordinary way and adding massive value to your customers or clients, without negatively impacting others – people, animals or the environment.

I started Inspired Action Zone because I wanted to know how to reconcile my desires to make the world a better place for all and to run a super-successful business doing what I love (and not feel guilty about it!) – and share that information with others.

Along my journey I’ve learned some cool stuff and discovered some inspiring leaders in their respective fields. I’ve also come across what I consider to be sleazy and unethical marketing and money-making tactics. My aim is to share with you insights and practical information, not just from me, but from experts who walk their talk and whose teachings resonate with me.

If this hits the spot for you, then stick around. Check out the podcasts and blogs, sign up to receive updates and exclusive content at and let’s create a community.
